Target group of the Roek Care Company

Participants at The Roek Care Company.

Participants at De Roek come from a variety of backgrounds and ages. All participants require guidance in working. We have many different target groups. These can be:

* People with mental disabilities
* People with mental or social problems
* People with physical disabilities
* People with autism
* People with non-congenital brain injury
* people with a large distance to the labor market
* young people with learning or educational problems
* students from special education

That we focus on different target groups is a conscious choice that has proven to work well in practice.

We always start with a trial period to see whether the participant fits in at De Roek Zorgbedrijf.


At the Roek Care Company we have many different target groups

At the Roek Care Company we have many different target groups At the Roek Care Company we have many different target groups